The Small Print

The Trolleybus Museum at Sandtoft is the trading name of Sandtoft Transport Centre Ltd (STCL).

STCL is a Company Limited by Guarantee, and is registered in England as company number 1747475. Our registered office is The Trolleybus Museum, Belton Road, Sandtoft, DN8 5SX.

STCL is also a Registered Charity, number 514382.

The Trolleybus Museum is an Accredited Museum, number 2099, and is a member of:

  • The Association of Independent Museums and
  • The National Association of Road Transport Museums.

Our Vision Statement is:

“To be nationally acknowledged as the Museum of the Trolleybus and to entertain, educate and give excellent value and service to our visitors.”

The Museum is managed by a Board of Directors who also act as Trustees of the charity. All management and staff of the Museum are volunteers.


The safeguarding of people’s personal information and data is important to us. We only capture, use and retain personal information and data as and when it is appropriate to do so in efficiently operating the company and the museum and it will not be divulged to third parties except as so required by legislation or authorised enforcement authorities.