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Sandtoft Scene first appeared as a free 2-page newssheet that was given to visitors to the Sandtoft Gathering in 1986. The first regular edition appeared the following April, continuing to the present day. With thanks to members Andrew Fieldsend, Dave Hall and John Stainforth we now have a full set in our Archives.

On this page you’ll find digital copies of every issue. The prototype has been numbered 0 (like Keighley 0!)

Click on a button below to find a particular issue; you can click on an issue number or the image to download that magazine:

July 1986Focus on Nottingham 506;
Looking to the future: Proposed Running Shed and Tramway
April 1987Scene At Sandtoft;
1987 Visitor Leaflet;
Sandtoft Lease;
Junior Scene - wordsearch;
Boxwagon Cookery (Recipe) - Fish Risotto
July 1987Scene At Sandtoft;
From The Gardens;
Board Reports;
STCL Fleet List 1987;
56 & 72 20 Years On;
From Magic Lantern To Dissolve AV Program - Pt 1;
Junior Scene - wordsearch;
Boxwagon Cookery (Recipe) - Quick Chilli Con Carne
October 1987Scene At Sandtoft;
The Technical File;
Board Reports;
56 & 72 20 Years On;
From Magic Lantern To Dissolve AV Program - Pt 2;
Junior Scene - crossword;
Boxwagon Cookery (Recipe) - Barbecued Pork With Pineapple
January 1988Scene At Sandtoft;
Focus On... Bradford 844;
AGM 1987 Report;
Board Reports;
From Magic Lantern To Dissolve AV Program - Pt 3;
Sandtoft Summer Draw 1987 Winners;
1988 Visitor Leaflet;
Trolleybus Drivers' Handbook;
Somewhere In The Bushes;
Junior Scene - A (belated) Trolleybus-Themed Christmas Carol;
Boxwagon Cookery (Recipe) - Apple Snurdel
April 1988Scene At Sandtoft;
Focus On... Bradford 844;
Report of EGM, 20.2.88;
Early Days At Sandtoft;
Sandtoft Miniature Railway Story;
Board Reports;
From Magic Lantern To Dissolve AV Program - Pt 4;
Junior Scene - Wordsearch;
Boxwagon Cookery (Recipe) - Corned Beef Hash
July 1988Scene At Sandtoft;
The Story Behind The Books;
1988/9 Depot Allocation & Points System;
STCL Code Of Discipline & Grievance Procedure;
Getting The Show On The Road;
Member Questionnaire;
Board Reports;
Boxwagon Cookery (Recipe) - A Concoction;
From Magic Lantern To Dissolve AV Program - Pt 5;
Junior Scene - Poetry Competition Winning Entries
October 1988Focus On... Doncaster 375;
Scene At Sandtoft;
Model Arena;
1987/8 Summary Of Accounts;
Management Committee Minutes;
Boxwagon Cookery (Recipe) - Cheesy Crumpets;
Junior Scene - Puzzle
January 1989Scene At Sandtoft;
Model Arena;
1988 AGM Report;
1988/9 Visitor Leaflet;
Board Reports;
Boxwagon Cookery (Recipe) - Cheese & Potato Pie;
STCL Future Plan Final Report;
Focus On... Doncaster Motorbuses;
Junior Scene - Puzzle
9April 1989Focus On... N&D 357;
Scene At Sandtoft;
Sponsor A Traction Pole;
Aston Manor Road Transport Museum;
History Of RAF Sandtoft;
Board Reports;
Boxwagon Cookery (Recipe) - Pizza;
Just Another Day (A Cycle Ride Around The Isle Of Axholme);
Junior Scene - Quiz
10July 1989Scene At Sandtoft;
An Addition To The Family - ENG707;
Board Reports;
Last Days Of The Bradford Trolleybus System;
Boxwagon Cookery (Recipe) - Eggy Peggy;
Junior Scene - Crossword;
Revisions To Depot Allocation Points System and Proposed 1989/90 Depot Arrangement
11October 1989Scene At Sandtoft;
Focus On... Derby 224;
Goodbye To "Sammy" (Ledgard);
Board Reports;
Our Working Week-And-A-Bit;
Boxwagon Cookery (Recipe) - Cheeseburgers and Chips;
Junior Scene - The Ghost Of Epworth;
Where's M.F.I? (song)
12January 1990Scene At Sandtoft;
Focus On... Bournemouth 99;
Board Reports;
Memories Of An Ipswich Trolleybus Driver;
Sandtoft Fleet List;
AGM 1989 Report;
Three End-Of-Season Rallies;
Boxwagon Cookery (Recipe) - Boozy Beef
13April 1990Scene At Sandtoft;
Board Reports;
Destination Sandtoft
14July 1990Scene At Sandtoft;
Board Reports;
Vehicle Arrangement In Depot 1990/1;
Destination Sandtoft
15October 1990Scene At Sandtoft;
Board Reports;
Development Plans - 50s Street Scene;
Gathering '90 Award Winners
16 - 18
July 1991

Scene At Sandtoft;
Board Reports;
Vehicle Arrangement In Depot 1991/2
19July 1992New Mains Electricity Supply;
Scene At Sandtoft;
Board Reports
20October 1992Gathering ’92 Award Winners;
Scene At Sandtoft;
Board Reports
21Winter 1993The new Visitors’ Centre;
First Impressions;
Scene At Sandtoft
22Spring 1993Sheffield Tram 442;
Scene At Sandtoft
23Summer 1993Vehicle Owners’ Corner;
Current Affairs (Or How The Mercury Arc Rectifier Works);
Scene At Sandtoft
24Autumn 1993The Town Of Doncaster;
Scene At Sandtoft
25Winter 1994Obituary – R Edgeley Cox;
Chairman’s Report 1993;
Yorkshire Day 1993;
Scene At Sandtoft
26Spring 1994Dying For A Tram Ride?;
Scene At Sandtoft
27Summer 1994Scene At Sandtoft
Autumn 1994Scene At Sandtoft;
Trolleybuses I Have Known
29Winter 1995The Start Of Axholme Stores;
Chairman’s Report 1994;A Message From The Man With The Money;
Scene At Sandtoft – Uprooting Traction Poles In Bradford
30Spring 1995Gathering ’95: Announcement Of Split Site Operation;
Reader Survey;
Scene At Sandtoft
31Summer 1995Sandtoft Miniature Railway Development Plans;
Museum Development Plans: £25,000 Appeal Launched;
Scene At Sandtoft
32Autumn 1995Nature Column;
Scene At Sandtoft;
Proposed Changes To The Articles Of Association
33Winter 1995/61995 AGM
34Spring/Summer 1996Visitors Charter;
The Porto Double Deck Lancia Trolleybus project;
Work Starts On The Axholme Stores
35Autumn 1996Gathering '96 Preparations;
Project 140 - The Right Kind Of Madness (bringing Porto 140 to Sandtoft)
36Winter 1997Out And About With (Nottingham) 506;
Yorkshire Day At Sandtoft;
37Spring 1997Museum Development - Progress Report;
On The Move - London 1201 Leaves
Autumn 1997The Points System (For granting accommodation at Sandtoft);
Axholme Stores Progress;
Taking The Plunge At Niagara Falls
39Winter 1998General Updates
40Spring 1998Virtual Vintage Vehicles On The World Wide Web;
41Summer 1998The Health & Safety Debate;
Obituary - Derrick Coates
42Autumn 1998European Weekend Report
43Winter 19991998 AGM;
Introducing John Heighway;
Transperience: The Run Up To The DIspersal Auction;
Santa Days 1998;
Sandtoft Miniature Railway Update;
European Weekend 1999;
Sandtoft Gathering '98;
YThoughts On The Millenium And Beyond
44Spring 1999Behind The Scenes At Sandtoft Scene;
Sandtoft Memories
45Summer 1999Site and Vehicle Updates;
Reading 113 Returns To Service
46Autumn 1999Sandtoft Miniature Railway Update;
Sandtoft Gathering 1999;
Sandtoft's Second European Weekend
47Winter 2000AGM 1999;
Sandtoft Website Goes LIve;
Santa Days 1999;
Millenium Night At Sandtoft;
What Is Your Voluntary Time Worth?;
Out And About;
Miniature Railway Facts;
The Sale Of The Century;
The New Acquisition - Nottingham 46;
Obituary: Rita Matthews
Summer 2000Sandtoft's Miniature Railway;
Changes To The Board;
On The Web
49Autumn 2000Sandtoft Gathering 2000;
Geoff Griffiths' View Of 'Gathering 2000;
50Spring 2001AGM 2000;
Yorkshire Day 2000 with photofeature;
Santa Days 2000;
A Winter's Tale;
A Look Back At The Development Of Sandtoft Scene;
The Life And Times Of Sandtoft Scene;
Conducting The Isle Of Axholme Tour;
Obituary: Henry Riley
51Autumn 2001Appointment of Mike Dare as President;
A Rare Beast - Bradford 562 Acquired;
TB78 and LT 1812 re-launched;
619 Returns to Huddersfield;
Sandtoft - A Way Forward?;
Filming an episode of "Former Glory"
52February 2002AGM 2001;
Obituary - Rose Hawksworth;
Our latest Find - Hastings 57;
Sandtoft's Latest Acqusitions - Photofeature;
The Darlingtons (ex Darlington double deckers in Doncaster);
My First 30 Years At Sandtoft - Part 1
53Autumn 2002Highlights of the 2002 Season;
HM Queen Elizabeth II's Golden Jubilee;
Obituaries: Bob Butterfield, Walter Hanson, Harry Taylor;
Hastings no 57 - Or Is It?;
Bradford Closure 30th Anniversary Photofeature
54Spring 2003Registered Museum Status Gained;
Photofeature: 2002 Scenes;
My First 30 Years At Sandtoft - Part 2
55Autumn 2003Huddersfield Closure Event;
Bournemouth 99 Re-Launched;
Schools Week 2003 Photofeature;
Proposed Running Circuit Expansion;
2003 Operating Season (So Far);
Obituaries - Geoff Griffiths and Paul Tucker;
RT3323 acquired
56Spring 2004An Expansion Plan For Sandtoft;
AGM 2003;
A Memorial For Geoff Griffiths;
An Ill Wind - Huddersfield 470 Goes Down The Pan;
Plans For 72 To Visit Maidstone;
57Summer 2004Photofeature - 2004 So Far;
Obituaries - Garth Nicholls and John Handley;
British Trolleybus Cisterns (Or Pull Chain To Flush);
My First 30 Years At Sandtoft - Part 3
(Please note:
this is
June 2005Board Responsibilities Pt 1;
Training and "Train-ing" At Sandtoft;
Mike Dare's Challenge - 204 in 2004;
Launch of South Shields 204;
Trolleybus Preservation At The Beginning - Plumtree;
Wartime Weekend Photofeature
59October 2005Death of Mike Dare Announced;
Board Responsibilities Pt 2;
The Route To Sandtoft: Plumtree - The Plot Thickens and
The Huddersfield Trolleybus Preservation Trust;
Sandtoft Gathering 2005;
Vehicle At The Bus Stop - Newcastle 501;
60January 2006Obituaries: Mike Dare, John Thimbleby;
The Route To Sandtoft: The First Privately Preserved Trolleybus - Reading 113;
North East Weekend;
St Leger Rally 2005;
Twilight Event;
Vehicle At The Bus Stop - Bradford 746
61April 2006The Route To Sandtoft - Plumtree Pt 3;
On The Buses - A London Transport Driver's View From The Cab;
At The Bus Stop - Doncaster 22;
Stop Press Obituary - Ray Henton
62July 2006Obituary - Ray Henton;
At The Bus Stop 1 - St Helens 387;
The Route To Sandtoft - Plumtree Pt 4;
Easter Weekend 2006;
Reading Weekend;
Sandtoft's Crash-Box Festival;
At The Bus Stop 2 - Marseilles 202;
Finningly Amateur Radio Society
63October 2006The Route To Sandtoft - Plumtree Pt 5;
The Huddersfield Trolleybus Preservation Society Pt 2;
Running Days Reports;
At The Bus Stop - Raleigh Sports Bicycle;
64January 2007Obituary - Tony Peart;
Arranging Sandtoft's Special Events;
The Route To Sandtoft;
A Trip To Lyon;
Model Weekend 2006;
St Leger Rally 2006;
At The Bus Stop - First South Yorkshire 30500;
On The Buses - A London Transport Driver's Vioew From The Cab
65April 2007The Route To Sandtoft - The Maidstone Trolleybus System;
At The Bus Stop - First South Yorkshire 30500;
On The Buses - A London Transport Driver's Vioew From The Cab
66July 2007The Route To Sandtoft - Plumtree Pt 6;
At The Bus Stop - Lyon 1704;
Obituary: Len Head
67October 2007The Route To Sandtoft - SYPTE 2472;
(Not The) Sandtoft Gathering 2007;
40s & 50s Weekend;
At The Bus Stop - They Travel The World To See Us;
Competition For New Logo
68January 2008The Route To Sandtoft - Plumtree Pt 7;
Parked Near The Bus Stop: Jowett Javelin
69April 2008Introduction To The New President, Stanley King;
Acquisition Of Land;
Expansion Plan;
The Route To Sandtoft - Maidstone 56 & 72;
A Double 40th Anniversary - Teesside Extension & Tour By BH&D 6340;
At The Tram Stop - Secondment To Crich
70July 2008The Route To Sandtoft: Plumtree Pt 8;
Spring Bank Holiday Photofeature;
BUT Weekend photos;
Life At The Bottom Of The Stairs: Floggers
71October 2008The Route To Sandtoft - Plumtree Pt 9;
Huddersfield Weekend;
Gathering 2008 Photo Gallery;
Reading Trolleybus Closure;
At The Bus Stop - Fowler T3B steam roller;
On Tow - reminiscences;
72January 2009New Museum Logo;
The Route To Sandtoft - Huddersfield Pt 3;
Model Weekend;
Local Comunity Open Evening;
Twilight Trolleyday;
Santa Days;
At The Bus Stop - RT3323;
Sandtoft On TV - ITV Yorkshire Calendar
On Tow - reminiscences;
73April 2009New Corporate Style;
Bournemouth Photofeature;
Due At The Bus Stop - Johannesburg 589
74July 2009The Route To Sandtoft - Catch Up on Feedback;
Hastings Trolleybuses;
Sandtoft at 40 Extravaganza photofeature;
Could These Be Arriving At The Bus Stop?
75October 2009The Route To Sandtoft - The Fetching Of 34;
Sandtoft Gathering 2009;
Could These Be Arriving At The Bus Stop - Update;
76January 2010Obituary: Peter Swift
The Route To Sandtoft - Plumtree Pt 11;
On Tow - reminiscences;
St Leger Day 2009;
Twilight Running Day;
At The Bus Stop - Triumph 650cc Motorcycle;

77April 2010The Route To Sandtoft - Plumtree Pt 12;
Possible Future Acquisitions;
Obituaries - Patricia Harrison, Beryl Dare
78July 2010The Route To Sandtoft - Hornsby F100AKB Pt1;
On Tow - reminiscences;
Running Days Easter to June;
London 1348 Returns
79October 2010The Route To Sandtoft - Hornsby F100AKB Pt2;
On Tow - reminiscences no 3;
Sandtoft Gathering 2010;
Running Days July to September;
At The Bus Stop - Doncaster 22
London 1348 Returns
80January 2011The Route To Sandtoft (2nd Series) Pt 1;
On Tow - Reminiscences no 4;
Obituary - John Foster
St Leger Rally;
81April 2011The Route to Sandtoft (2nd series) Pt 2;
Wedding Day for 2 members;
Easter Extravaganza;
At the Bus Stop - Manchester 1344
82July 2011Sandtoft at the Crossroads;
1960s Weekend;
BTS 50th Anniversary Weekend inc launch of 1344
83October 2011The Route to Sandtoft (2nd Series) Pt 3 (incorrectly labelled Pt4);
Trolleybus Centenary Weekend;
Sandtoft Gathering 2011;
Obituary - David Kaye
84January 2012The Route to Sandtoft (2nd Series)
Pt 4;
St Leger Day 2011;
Rotherham 37 Progress;
London Trolleybus 50th Anniversary
85April 2012Rotherham 37 profile;
25 Years of Sandtoft Scene;
Illinois Railway Museum;
Renault PR100 motorbus profile
86July 2012Bradford Closure - 40th Anniversary;
North West Event; Diamond Jubilee Weekend;
Obituary - Philip Groves;
Antiques Road Trip Visits Sandtoft;
The Route to Sandtoft Pt 5;
Commemoration of London's Last Trolleybus at EATM
87October 2012London 1348 launched;
Thornbury Depot demolished;
Rotherham Centenary Pt 1;
'Gathering 2012 Report;
Sandtoft's Secret - The Hastings Guy;
Obituary - Charlie Bullock;
The Route To Sandtoft - Rescue of Cleethorpes 54 Pt 1;
88January 2013Obituary - Stanley King;
2012 AGM Report; The Journey To Sandtoft Pt 6
89April 2013Doncaster 375 Restoration Appeal Launched;
Obituary - Wayne Little;
The Route To Sandtoft - Rescue of Cleethorpes 54 Pt 2;
Rotherham Centenary Pt 2
90July 2013The Route to Sandtoft Pt 7;
"Box Van" Refurbishment;
Unravelling Sandtoft's Secret: Hastings 57 - or is it?;
Obituaries - Martin Nimmo, Roy Marshall, John Fozard, Joseph Yeomans;
Rotherham Centenary Pt 3
91October 2013Life in the Tea Trolley;
'Gathering 2013 Report;
Obituaries - Malcolm Parkin and Michael Fowler;
No Trolleys Beyond Piccadilly Pt 1;
Doncaster 22 60 years old
92January 2014European Trolleybus Day;
2013 AGM Report;
Journey To The Blunt End Pt 1;
The Route to Sandtoft Pt 8
93April 2014The Route to Sandtoft Pt 9;
The Journey To The Blunt End Pt 2;
No Trolleys Beyond Piccadilly Pt 2
94July 2014Huddersfield 631 repainted;
The Route to Sandtoft Pt 10;
Two days With The Rotherham 73 Team;
Roe Centenary Weekend
95October 2014The Trolleybus in the Great War Exhibition;
Reaching the Blunt End;
'Gathering 2014;
Athens 5088 on loan;
Ipswich 105 Update
96January 2015Trolley Dollies Farewell;
Leeds NGT Team Visits Sandtoft;
Wolverhampton 274;
The Route to Sandtoft Pt 11;
2014 AGM Report;
Obituaries - Stan Ledgard and Ian Appleton
97April 2015Obituary - Geoff Warnes;
Notts & Derby 353 Purchased;
Mexborough 34 Restoration Appeal Launched;
The Route to Sandtoft Pt 12;
Glasgow TBS21 scrapped;
new website launched
98June 2015Mexborough & Swinton Remembered;
Notts & Derby 353 Arrives;
The Route to Sandtoft Pt 13
99October 2015The Route to Sandtoft Pt 14;
Obituary - Rev John Senior;
Rotherham Remembered
100January 2016Looking back over 100 issues of Scene;
2015 AGM Report
101April 2016Rotherham 37;
Obituary - Jean Flint;
The Route to Sandtoft Pt 15;
Recollections of a (Rotherham) Trackless Conductor
102July 2016Tea Trolley extended;
Obituaries - Ben Spooner and David Hatt:
Wellington 82 arrives at Sandtoft;
BTS buys Bournemouth 301 and Museum buys 297;
The Route to Sandtoft Pt 16
103October 2016Obituaries: John Shellard and David Croft;
'Gathering 2016;
Wellington 82 launched;
Transport trust award for Rotherham 73;
506 returns to Nottingham;
Chance Encounters at Sandtoft
104January 2017The Route To Sandtoft - a mystery;
Arnhem 101;
2016 AGM Report
105April 2017Remembering Glasgow, Maidstone and Wolverhampton trolleybuses;
Patrick Wilkinson interview
106July 2017BTS buys Burntwood;
Trolleybuses and Offshore Radio;
Walsall 872 relaunched;
TimeLine Events visit
107October 2017'Gathering 2017 Report;
Derby Trolleybuses Remembered;
TDEs revised
108January 20182017 AGM Report;
Wellington 82 in Walsall;
DOLRS 60th Anniversary
109May 2018Proposed North Depot;
Aspects of Huddersfield Trolleybuses in Preservation;
Cedes-Stoll Replica Under Construction
110July 2018Reading's last Trolleybuses;
Huddersfield Weekend;
Experiences of a New Member;
Sandtoft 1978;
Lights, Camera, Action!

111October 2018Reading 50th Anniversary features;
Bruce Lake's Reminiscences;
Cedes Replica Update;
Obituary - Brian T Deans
112February 2019Bournemouth: Look Back 50 Years;
Cedes Replica Update;
Reading 144 Visits Reading;
IoA Running Day 2018
113May 2019Bournemouth Weekend;
Hastings Trolleys;
Cedes Replica Progress
114October 2019Bournemouth Pageant;
Yorkshire Weekend;
Cedes-Stoll Replica Launch;
'Gathering 2019;
50th Anniversary Weekend

115March 2020Isle of Axholme Running Day 2019;
John Ayrey;
Sandtoft 2030 update;
Jo'burg 589 update
116July 2020Sandtoft 2030;
On & Off My Trolley;
Museum organisation chart
117October 2020Ise Valley Railway on the Move
118April 2021Mexborough & Swinton Closure;
Some Sandtoft Memories
119August 2021Re-opening after the Covid lockdowns;
Early Memories of Sandtoft by Jean Flint;
Johannesburg 589 Appeal Launched;
Trojan Restoration Project
120November 2021Events, July - October;
Bargain Hunt Films at Sandtoft;
The Museum Development Plan;
Long-Distance commuting Resumes;
Cycle Shop petrol Pumps completed;
Trolleybuses of the Humber Project
121April 2022Events, October 2021 to March 2022;
AGM Report;
Back-a-Bus Launched;
Working parties and sessions;
In Search of the Last Trolleybus (24/3/72);
Visit to Keighley Bus Museum;
Obituaries - John Zebedee, Andy McDougall
122July 2022Bradford Closure 50th Anniversary Event;
Other events, April to June 2022;
Pocklington Camera Club visit;
Keighley in Motion Festival;
Visit to Crich archives;
Lincs Lotto launched;
Obituaries - John Zebedee, Andy McDougall
123November 2022David Croft Depot handed over;
Trolleybuses of the Humber Exhibition opens;
Sandtoft Gathering 2022;
First full week opening;
London commemoration;
Other events July to October;
Obituary - Michael Bentley;
Fleet Review Panel Report;
Play Tram
124May 2023Sandtoft District Railway update;
Sustainability at TM@S;
Events - Twilight 2022 and Easter 2023;
Restoring a pole crane - part 1
125July 2023Sandtoft District Railway update;
Bank Holiday band concert and inauguration of Accessible Trolleybus;
Other Open Weekend Reports;
Spring Bank Holiday opening;
Visitors from Brazil;
Reading 144;
Obituary: Mark Cotton
126November 2023Sandtoft District Railway update;
The Shed on the Isle;
Gathering 2023;
40s Weekend;
Enhancing Audrey;
Events Summer-Autumn 2023;
Obituary: Phil Chambers
127April 2024Interpretation Project;
The Ken Allbon Collection;
2023 Events: Isle of Axholme Running Day and Twlight Trolleys;
Johannesburg 589's new identity and restoration update;
Winter Working Weekends;
Sandtoft District Railway update;
Support our overseas vehicles;
Polecrane restoration update;
The Playtram arrives
128July 2024Meet Rose Nicholson, our new Museum Mentor;
Open Days - 40s Weekend, Southern Trolleybuses, May Weekday Opening, Father's Day;
Corporate Volunteering at the Trolleybus Museum;
Starting a Debate About Our Collection;
Replacing Our Depot