From time to time we ask for your support for dedicated projects. Money donated for these is ring-fenced and won’t be used for other purposes. Click on the links below to see our current appeals:
Johannesburg 589 Restoration Appeal
Gateway Project Appeal (target reached)
Depot Doors Replacement Appeal
Johannesburg 589 Donate Now

The long, long job to restore our Johannesburg trolleybus no.589 back to its former glory is progressing to a new and exciting phase.
The chassis and mechanical components have been overhauled, many of its electrical units have been refurbished, the all-metal body structure that had seriously corroded away over the years has been a complex task requiring meticulous attention to authentically re-build it and now work has turned to the fitting out stage incorporating scrupulous detail to “get it right”. We estimate that no.589’s restoration is now around 85% complete.
All this work – and repatriating no.589 from South Africa in the first place – has been paid for entirely through kind donations amounting to more than £300,000 from enthusiasts (with much of it Gift Aided) and businesses. This staggering figure is, we think, unequalled anywhere in trolleybus preservation.
No.589 uniquely represents in this country the hundreds of double deck trolleybuses UK-designed and built for export. It spent over 26 years in service and is one of the first BUT trolleybuses to be built (early 1948). It was one of the replacements for Johannesburg’s pre-war AEC trolleybus order that was frustrated by WW2 and diverted to London Transport to become their SA3 class and based at Ilford Depot; no.589 is virtually identical to the SA3s and it is intended that for a 4 to 5 year period it will be painted in London livery to be illustrative of those iconic Ilford trolleybuses before regaining the attractive Johannesburg Municipal Transport colour scheme of maroon, ivory and silver. For more details about no.589, click here.
Please, GIVE US A PUSH and make a donation to help 589 on its way. We recognise that money is tight for many but whatever you can afford will be gladly welcomed and acknowledged Donations can be one-off or monthly by standing order – and Gift Aiding your donation will boost your donation by 25% at no cost to you!
A Gift Declaration can be downloaded here.
You can:
- Pay securely, using the Donorbox button below:
Donate or - Transfer money (one-off or monthly standing order) direct into the ring-fenced Johannesburg 589 Fund account – email for account details and to advise of your payment plan so funds can be correctly traced and an acknowledgement sent; or
- Send a cheques (payable to “Johannesburg 589 Fund” ) to the 589 Appeal, 8 Cottage Fields, Eaves Green, Chorley, Lancs PR7 3QE. Please don’t send cash through the post. Cash can be handed over to The Museum Shop or the the Financial Director, John Francis, at the Museum on an open day.
Go on, please GIVE US A PUSH and let’s see if we can join together to meet our £80,000 target for the completion of no.589’s restoration! THANK YOU.
The Gateway Project (now closed)
In 2018 the British Trolleybus Society purchased the neighbouring bungalow (Burntwood) with its adjoining land to the west of the Museum site and the following year the Trolleybus Museum acquired more land to the west. Together with an earlier acquisition the the size of the site has more than doubled in the last decade. We have ambitious plans to develop the enlarged Museum with relocated facilities and more attractions including a miniature railway, an extended trolleybus running line, and a dedicated overhead line for our Cedes-Stoll replica.
The first stage of this development was to build a new entrance to the west of the site, allowing us to relocate the car park, Reception facility and Museum Shop to this area.
We’re now pleased to announce that this appeal has reached its target. The work is virtually complete, so the appeal is now closed.
We’d like to say a big THANK YOU to all those who have contributed to this important phase of our development plan!
Depot Door Appeal
Sandtoft has an exceptional collection of historic vehicles – many of them are the only surviving examples in the world. They need constant care and protection, but our old depot doors are nearing the end of their useful life and they are at risk of exposure to weather. A vital step in safeguarding our trolleybuses and buses is to replace the doors on the depot, most of which are around fifty years old. Can you help us?
A roller shutter door costs at least £8000 and consists of about 120 slats. Could you buy a slat for £50 – or even half of one for £25? Every contributor to the depot door appeal will have their name entered on a roll of honour (unless you prefer to remain anonymous).
You can:
- Pay securely, using the Donorbox button below:
Donate or - Transfer money (one-off or monthly standing order) direct into the ring-fenced Doors Fund account – email us for account details and to advise of your payment plan so funds can be correctly traced and an acknowledgement sent; or
- Send a cheque (payable to “Sandtoft Transport Centre Ltd”) to the Depot Doors Appeal, 8 Cottage Fields, Eaves Green, Chorley, Lancs PR7 3QE. There’s a downloadable form here if you’d prefer. Please don’t send cash through the post; or
- Payments can also be made by credit or debit card at the Museum Reception or Shop; or
- Cash or cheques can be handed over to The Museum Shop or the Financial Director, John Francis, at the Museum on an open day.
Please Gift Aid your donation – this allows us to claim 25% of your donation from HMRC, more if you’re a higher-rate taxpayer. You can use this form.
Thank you!